Thursday, April 23, 2009

How to Make a AlertPay Account

1. Your data in accordance with the ID card or credit card charges ....

The following steps:
1. Log in to, then click on the sign-up

2. Select your country here (Indonesia)

3. Select the account you want. If you use this and use it only to send and receive money, select the personal starter ... then click on get started..

4. Fill in the data requested in accordance with the true identity of card that you will use for verification..

5. When finished, click on Next, then fill in the data-log data, including your correct e-mail address that you will use for the transaction..

6. If you have, click the Register ...
7. You will be given confirmation that the account has been created.
8. The next step is to open your e-mail, and check the inbox. If the e-mail address is correct before you enter, it should now have e-mail from Alertpay. Open the e-mail and click on the link to verify email ...
9. You will be taken back to the website Alertpay. Enter your password and click Log In
10. Then you will be prompted to create a PIN number. Similar to the ATM, you are required to fill the PIN number before making a transaction exit.

11. If you have, click Submit ... Step completed the first to open the account in AlertPay.

The next step is to verify your address, how:

Send the results of the scan your ID, such as ID cards, driver's license or Pasport, and submit the results of the scan address of Evidence, for example ... credit card bills, bills telp, newspaper accounts, etc ...
Alertpay will send you an email if it has been completed. The verification process can take up to 1 week. Meanwhile, your account can still be used!

Done already making Account, hopefully help ...

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